Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Assigment for Accounting International Class

Please write the title of your paper here as COMMENT. 

How to comment? 
Write your:
Student Number:
Title of the case paper:

Deadline of submission of the paper is 24 hours before final exam. 
Send you paper to: as attachment.

Subject of email: Your Name _ AccountingInter_Chapter number

Paper Structure:
1. Introduction
2. Theoritical background
3. Company Background
4. Case
5. Case Analysis
6. Conclusion

Thank you


Tugas Akhir Semester Manajemen Strategi Kelas B

Daftarkan judul paper kasus manajemen strategi di sini sebagai komen. 

Saudara mengerjakan tugas sesuai dengan daftar yg sudah kami umumkan. 
Deadline paper adalah 24 jam sebelum jadwal ujian akhir semester. 
Paper dikirim ke:
Subject email ditulis sbb:
Nama_stratB_chapterxx[tulis chapter berapa]

Struktur paper adalah sbb:
1. Judul
2. Latar belakang teori
3. Gambaran umum perusahaan
4. Kasus
5. Analisa Kasus
6. Kesimpulan

Friday, February 28, 2020

Assignment 1 Strategic Management 2020

Please register the company that you choose for assignment 1: vision and mission

Send the vision and mission to 
The latest is 12 hours before next class. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Tugas Kelas Akuntansi B dan C: Kasus Management Strategi

Silakan daftarkan judul paper Anda di sini sebagai COMMENT.

Tugas saudara adalah membuat paper untuk mendiskusikan aplikasi managemen strategi, yang berasal dari kasus nyata (real case).

Struktur paper setidak-tidaknya mengandung unsure-unsur sebagai berikut:

1. Pendahuluan
2. Telaah teoritik (tentang topik manajemen strategi yang saudara angkat)
3. Kasus Manajemen Strategi
4. Penutup
5. Referensi

Saudara boleh memperluas struktur tersebut apabila diperlukan.

Paper ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar, menggunakan MS Word, 1.5 spasi, dengan ukuran kertas A4.

Tugas dikirim melalui email ke: paling lambat 12 April 2015 pukul 16.00.



Assignment for International Class: Case of Strategic Management (March 2015)

Please book the title of your "Strategic Management Case" here as COMMENT.

Your assignment is to write a case of strategic management. The case should be a real case. No one in this class write the same case. To make sure that the title is yours please register your title here.

The structure of your paper minimal should contain:
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical background of the topic
3. The case
4. Conclusion
5. References

You can extend the structure if needed.

Your paper should be written in English, in MS Words, 1.5 space, A4 paper size.

Please send your paper to:

The latest to submit your assignment is 12 April 2015 at 16.00 pm.

Thank you

Mr. AP

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Assignment 1 Acct Int Class: Vision and Mission

Please post here as COMMENT example of VISION and MISSION of a company. One company for one student, no one publish the same company.
The latest is 12 March 2015.
Thank you.